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6 Health Essentials a New Mom Should Get

Becoming a mom is a life-changing journey filled with both joy and new challenges, especially if you’re a mom for the first time!  

As you navigate sleepless nights, breastfeeding, and postpartum recovery, it is crucial to keep your body supported.  

Whether you’re a first-time mom, an experienced mom, or searching for the perfect gift(s) (or perhaps a care package) to celebrate a new mom, check out these handy health essentials to support the journey of motherhood! 


1. Multivitamins & Minerals for the Busy Mom

Adjusting to motherhood means long nights and busy days, making it easy to overlook your own health. 

Multivitamins offer a convenient, once-a-day solution, providing a blend of essential nutrients such as B-vitamins, vitamin D, and iron. Some unique formulas also include powerful antioxidants such as Lutein and Lycopene, which may help new moms feel more energized and combat postpartum fatigue.   

Opt for gluten-free and non-GMO formula too. These multivitamins help to meet nutritional needs for overall well-being when meals are rushed or unpredictable, especially for working moms. 


2. Complete Nutrition Supplement Designed For Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is one of the best gifts a mom can give to her baby, and a wonderful way to bond with the baby, but it often requires extra nutritional support [1].

Breastfeeding mommies can opt for complete nutrition supplements that contain all nutrients required in a serving. To support and improve milk supply and quality, look for breastfeeding supplements that also include Fenugreek [4] and Lecithin [5], which are well-known for their milk boosting and production properties.


3. Omega-3 Fish Oil

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil can be beneficial for both the mother, and the baby (through the mother’s breastmilk when the mother breastfeeds). Omega-3s play a vital role in brain health, which is crucial during the postpartum period when new moms need mental clarity and focus. 

Additionally, these essential fats are often recommended for breastfeeding mothers, as omega-3s can enrich breast milk, and benefit the baby’s brain development [6]. 


4. High Quality Protein Supplement for Recovery

Whether you had a natural delivery or a C-section, your body is in recovery mode.  

Protein is essential for wound healing, muscle repair, and rebuilding tissues. Adding a high-quality protein supplement to your diet can speed up recovery, helping you regain strength and resilience. 


5. Probiotics to Support the Immune System

The postpartum period often brings hormonal changes that can affect gut health and immunity. For moms who went through vaginal birth, some may also experience postpartum urinary tract infection (UTI) within the first 3-6 weeks [2]. 

One of the natural adjunctive measures to help prevent or relieve UTI among post-natal mothers is by consuming cranberries [3]. The proanthocyanidins in cranberries can prevent harmful bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tracts. In addition, another choice of natural adjunctive for UTI would be probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help balance the gut, promote digestion, and support the immune system, which can be beneficial for mothers at high risk of UTI.


6. Baby-friendly Repellent 

Protecting babies from mosquito bites is essential, as their sensitive skin is more prone to irritation and allergic reactions. Mosquitoes also carry diseases, making effective protection a must for new moms, especially when we are in a tropical climate where mosquitos and insects thrive. However, finding a safe and child-friendly repellent can be challenging.  

Look for DEET-free, non-toxic formula that are also gentle on babies’ skin to protect your baby from mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and other biting insects

The early days of motherhood can be exhausting and overwhelming, but taking time to care for your health is one of the best ways to care for your baby.  

These new mom essentials are designed to keep you feeling strong, supported, and ready for all the joys (and challenges) that come your way.  

Remember, a healthy mom is a foundation for a happy family—so nurture yourself as you embrace this beautiful journey! 



  1. Mayo Clinic. Healthy Lifestyle: Infant and Toddler Health. 
  2. Taylor, Marygrace. 2021. Postpartum Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). What to Expect. 
  3. Kayasth, Shwetha & Bhore, Dr Nilima. (2018). A study to assess the effectiveness of cranberry juice on urinary tract infection among post-natal mothers in selected hospitals. International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology. 26. 60-63. 10.26611/202629.
  4. Canadian Breastfeeding Foundation (n.d.) Herbs for Increasing Milk Supply. 
  5. Canadian Breastfeeding Foundation (n.d.) Blocked Ducts.
  6. Rombaldi Bernardi, J., de Souza Escobar, R., Ferreira, C. F., & Pelufo Silveira, P. (2012). Fetal and neonatal levels of omega-3: effects on neurodevelopment, nutrition, and growth. TheScientificWorldJournal, 2012, 202473.

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